The Space Between

By Kimberly Kalfas, ND


It is that time of year that begs us to take a moment to recharge, revitalize, and reframe our life. It is that time between summer and autumn. I think, like most of you, I can feel it in the air. What is it that I feel? Directly, it is the change of the barometric pressure, the last pollen push, and the sweaters in my closet begging me to let them out. It is that nagging feeling inside that says "another year is going by". It is the commercials that tell you not so quietly that it is back to school time.

School: the reason why this time a year is so near and dear to all of us. I was thinking about his one day and silently chuckled. We may have a Gregorian Calendar that tells us when American New Year’s is, but I would bet that most of you are feeling it now. Now is the time we all started school when we were kids. Now is the time of year we geared up for our first step into the middle school or junior high, the big move to high school, the last summer before college, and the first summer we had to work that we were out of school.

That translates for many of you to "time to get my ducks in a row", and "I wish I would have done more this summer", and "last quarter to make or break the years finances". It is a time of reflection of all of the years past to present. For many of you, health is not of concern at this time a year…that is delayed for New Years Resolutions.

So here is my proposal to you. Take this time in your life as a call to action. Fulfill some of your resolutions from last year, or come and plan what you would like to do this year. Take advantage of your insurance, you paid for it! After all, it is "insurance" because it is there to "to make certain especially by taking necessary measures and precautions".

Use this time to connect the two halves of yourself…the one that longs for eternal summer, and the one that welcomes fall. The one who wants to be active and the one who wants to hibernate. Let us help you pull it all together for you. Take a breath. Be present to the space between seasons. This time is your time, and you can choose what to make of it.